Thursday, July 14, 2011

THE Trip, Homecoming: Six Month Reflection

It was a wonderful feeling to make it home!  We had been traveling for about 27 hours and were ready to crash into friendly arms and then start life together in our home as a family.  We made the decision to only have family at our homecoming to minimize the stress of too many new faces for Mikayla.  It wasn't an easy decision because we wanted our support system to share in the joy of our homecoming (and let's be honest...who doesn't love a good airport homecoming)?!  In the end, we feel like it was a good decision for us because our sweet little one was completely overwhelmed with the few people who were there!  We were so blessed to have our good friends Sara and Justin come to photograph and video our homecoming though.  Sara even put together the following video and slideshow...enjoy!

On a funny note, we made it to baggage claim and Justin was helping me gather bags, and I was sort of in space because finally Justin asked me if I was still waiting for something.  Apparently we had been watching the same bags go around for quite a while, and we were missing one final bag.  We were so exhausted that we crashed right after dinner and didn't hear the THREE calls from the airline letting us know that they had found the missing luggage.

Lessons Learned from this Day:
-If you are going to have your luggage lost, losing it on the way home is the way to go.  You're home, so who cares about luggage? :)
-If you are traveling when it is chilly, pack the car with coats for everyone and ask someone to bring them into the airport for you.  Thank goodness my mom was there because she actually had to tell me to put on my coat!
-Make sure whatever car you are riding home in has the appropriate car seat/booster seat for your kiddo.
-If you are able and have space, make several freezer meals to have ready to go.  These were a really nice supplement to the meals that our church family and friends made for us.  I didn't have to cook for a long time, and we could focus on spending time with Mikayla.
-We also had stocked some food/drink that would have been good if either/both of us had a stomach bug.  Brian was really sick when we got home from our first trip, and we had to stop at the gas station on the way home from the airport.


  1. Alas, your video is private :( can you grant me access? :)

  2. OK...hopefully will work now. Sorry about that!

  3. Oh I got all teary watching the video of your homecoming with your little girl. What a precious video and memories that were captured forever. So glad that she is yours now!!!!

    PS. I think it is so precious that Brian was the one carrying her and "introducing" her. His smile is one of such pride and joy!

  4. oh, I teared sweet :)

  5. Okay, I cried like a baby watching that video! Even though it was essentially the same picture over and over I loved it. Since I have had a couple homecomings myself (while different then yours) I cry every time I watch a video of a homecoming! Thank you for bringing me such joy today!

  6. Happy 6th months to you guys, too!!!! :)

  7. I am just getting caught up and read through all of the flashback postings. This one melted my heart. Such a sweet sweet moment captured for you all to cherish for a lifetime. What joy Mikayla has brought to us all!

  8. so we've been thinking about the tummy/diaper issues lots of people seem to have with their kids after picking them up. did you find out what was wrong? we are thinking of taking medicine with us so we can take care of it before we get on the airplane. and were wondering if you knew exactly what was wrong?? thanks for praying for us!

  9. Hey Candace, Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Our doctor actually did prescribe an antibiotic for Mikayla that we had ready to go if we needed it. He did tell us that we shouldn't use it unless we had her examined by someone in country, but that way we would be sure that we had reliable medicine if the need should arise (we ended up using it back in the states because she had double ear infections when she got home)! I think a lot of her tummy issues was nutrition, as she was healthy and free of parasites.
