Monday, September 26, 2011

A Tradition Continues

It is hard to put into words what a special place our family's little lake house is.  It has been in my family since my mom was a little girl, and I have spent my summer here for as long as I can remember...

Flashback:  Homemade ice cream is synonymous with the lake.  My sister, Julie and I were ALWAYS first in line!
Flashback: Racing out of the house with bread when the ducks showed up on the lawn is one of my favorite memories.

Brian also jumped right into the lake tradition as soon as we met.  He cares for it as if it has been part of his lifelong memories as well.  In fact, Brian and I got engaged at the lake!  We have dreamed and talked for years about the joy of sharing the lake with our child.  Introducing a little one of our own to the lake is something to which we have looked forward.  Finally, this was the summer!

While we didn't make it to the lake as often as we would have liked this summer, we enjoyed our time there (although the lake with a kiddo in tow felt MUCH less like a retreat and more like real life)!   Mikayla is such a water baby...just like her mommy and daddy, which made our time on the water so much fun.  By the end of the summer she was putting her face completely in the water and blowing bubbles.

Lots of sweet snuggles on the screened in porch

Ready for action

Such a ham

Checking out the water

Our little water baby

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  1. awwwwww, so so so so cute, i mean I can't get enough of this girl... I want to take her home

  2. by the way Kathy, your legs haven't changed at all since you were a kid

  3. Oh, I love it when we get to share traditions with our kids! Love these pictures and the fun you had at the lake with M!

  4. Yay!!! more posts. Woman, I don't live close enough to see you every day, so I rely on your blog to feel like I know what's going on in my future daughter-in-law's life! ;) She can have her pick of which one she'd like to marry; I've got 3 so far! ha. Love you guys so much!
