Friday, September 23, 2011

Where Has the Time Gone?

My mom recently posted the picture below with the caption, Goodbye Summer, and I had to shake my blogging head in shame!  Yes, summer is long gone, and while we have done a great job living life, I have been slack in documenting it.  Will you bear with me as I relive a bit of our summer over the next couple of days?  You can never get enough scrumptious baby legs in bathing suits, right?!

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  1. I want to eat her chunky little thighs. :) Miss you posting!

  2. I was just thinking the other day, I needed more sweet M pictures, I missed those adorable smiles and chunky thighs....look forward to the summer post, and by the way we are still full on summer here in FL so it will all seem appropriate timing to me.

  3. I'll take more posts about chunky baby thighs any day :) So glad that you will be "catching up" in posts soon, but more thankful that we get to see you in real life alot too :)

  4. Please, keep the updates coming! Mikayla is just can babies look so cute in swimsuits:)
